Feature Tour

MemberDash offers a fully customizeable membership experience right on your exitisting website.

Login form

The memberDash login form will overlay your website and your customers will have a seamless experience.

You are able to continue using the website builder that you know and just drop in memberDash links or page protection where you need it.

User Profile

Your customers can manage their own profiles right on your site.

Users can update their own login information and any custom fields you have added. They can also manage their billing information and subscriptions directly from their profile.


Your memberDash dashboard offers a quick view at your membership statistics.

See your registration and income stats from the easy to use intuitive dashboard.

Manage Memberships

Create an unlimited number of memberships.

You can create recurring or non-recurring memberships. You can also create free memberships. You will also have the option to set a free trial period and the membership will automatically charge once the trial is over.

Manage Coupons

Create coupons for your users.

You can create percent or amount off coupons. You can also specify an expiration date or maximum times a coupon can be used.

Custom Fields

Create an unlimited number of custom fields.

You can drag and drop custom fields to create a customized registration/profile experience. Several custom field types are available. You can also include terms and conditions or user agreements as part of your custom fields.

Manage Users

You can manage your users profile information directly from your memberDash dashboard.

Complete control over your users accounts. You can manually add membership plans, update passwords, and update profile information.

Protect Your Existing Content

Simply add the url of an existing page on your website to protect it.

You can specify who can view the page by selecting which membership levels have access to the content.

Manage Hosted Content

Build pages with our easy to use drag and drop page builder.

Offer more secure content by using our hosted content and courses. Build member content in memberDash and link to it on your website. Users will be able to view the content without leaving your website for a seamless experience.

Manage Email Templates

Complete control over the emails sent from memberDash.

MemberDash will automatically send communications to your users when they sign up, complete a payment, a payment fails, and when a trial is about to expire. You can manage these emails from your memberDash dashboard.

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