Start your 7-day free trial now

$ 19.95 /mo
$ 219 /year
Unlimited users
Unlimited membership plans
Protected Documents
Create Courses and Lessons
Custom Sign Up Fields
Coupon Codes & Free Trials
Content templates
0% transaction fee
(Stripe fees do apply)

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I cancel at anytime?

Yes, you can cancel from your account profile at any time.

Do I have to make any changes to my server?

No, there is no need to make any server side modifications to add memberDash to your website.

Do you offer a free trial?

Yes, we offer a 7 day free trial to see if memberDash is a fit for you. You can cancel at any time before the 7 days are up at no charge.

Am I able to select which pages to protect?

Absolutely, you can add the url of the pages you would like to protect right into your memberDash dashboard and select which memberships have access. As a more secure option you can use memberDash protected content to host and create your member protected areas.

Can I have different membership levels?

Yes, you can set up as many different membership levels as you would like.

Can I offer free trials to my users?

Yes, you can offer free trials that automatically convert to paid plans after a set number of days.

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